About Us

Welcome to the Indian Woods Historical and Preservation Society website. Organized in 2024, The Society encourages the study of history of Indian Woods, with primary emphasis on the history of the various Mixed-race, African Tuscarora and European inhabitants of the community in North Carolina and secondary emphasis on the history of North Carolina and the United States. The Society seeks to foster research, writing, presentations and publications of worthy historical topics on the people and area. The Historical Society is made up of descendants of the current families of Indian Woods. The Indian Woods Historical and Preservation Society was organized on November 17, 2024 in Indian Woods. The Historical Society meets regularly once a month. The membership is limited to individuals with historic ties to the current residents of Indian Woods and individual approved for membership by the board of directors.

Our Vision

The Indian Woods Historical Presentation Society’s vision is to collect, record and preserve the artifacts, stories and history and culture (lifeways and traditions) of the inhabitants – past and present – of the Indian Woods, North Carolina community – a community that is comprised of sub-communities: Saint Francis, Kings, Spring Hill/Cahaba, Beacon Light, Grabtown, and Indian Woods proper/Quitsna – the core communities that today make up the township of Indian Woods and fall within the historical bounds of the Tuscarora Indian Reservation established in 1717 and first maped and contacted by the English in 1584 at Moratuc. The society’s vision is to display exhibits, promote lectures, and presentations, as well as assist with the preservation of historically significant properties, documents, and artifacts within the Indian Woods community Its visons also includes the development of educational programs, publications, and the encouragement of visitation to the community through Historical Tourism. Finally the vision is to see the community’s history acknoldged and celebrated by the community, Bertie County, the State of North Carolina, our nation and entire world.

Our Mission

The mission of the Indian Woods Historical
Preservation Society (IWHPS) is to preserve, document, and disseminate the dynamic tri-ethnic history that comprises the culture of Indian Woods North Carolina. and to maintain the culture of the community.

Furthermore. it is the mission of the Indian Woods Historical Preservation Society to educate the community and all populations, present and future, concerning the history, culture and legacy of the Indian Woods Community.


Bart F. Smallwood Award

The Bart F. Smallwood Award honors individuals who demonstrate outstanding leadership, innovation, and contributions in their field, celebrating the legacy of Bart F. Smallwood.

Indian Woods Historical Research Award

The Indian Woods Historical Research Award recognizes exceptional contributions to the study and preservation of Indian Woods' rich history and cultural heritage.

Indian Woods Teens Award

The Indian Woods Teens Award celebrates outstanding achievements and contributions by teenagers in the Indian Woods community, inspiring growth, leadership, and positive change.

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